"My #1 personal recommendation for red lights that are the most powerful, cost effective, and amazing bang for the buck...Red Therapy Co.”
- Ari Whitten
The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy

Look Better
Experience scientifically proven anti-aging benefits and improved skin health. Reduce wrinkles, color patches, hyperpigmentation, and skin discoloration. Research has shown it can enhance the production of collagen for skin rejuvenation.

Feel Better
Unlock your body's true potential. Increase energy, reduce inflammation, regulate hormones, and boost immunity. Early research has shown the possibility of combatting depression and anxiety when using red and near-infrared light therapy in combination with other treatments.

Perform Better
Elevate your game. Enhance athletic performance, boost recovery, and promote faster wound healing. According to research, the utilization of red and NIR light therapy has significant benefits such as reducing muscle fatigue, improving muscle strength and endurance, facilitating fat loss and muscle growth responses resulting from exercise, as well as accelerating the recovery process.